Sunday, November 20, 2011

Backseat Chatter

"Uh oh. Mom's stopping the car."

I was completely HORRIFIED at the way my kiddos were talking to each other on our way home today. So instead of vociferously reminding them of the "appropriate" way to talk to each other, I charged my screaming monkeys with a task upon arrival at home.

"Write 5 things that you like about the other person. We will discuss the lists when everyone is done and sitting quietly at the kitchen table."

The remaining ride home became a competition of who could say the nicest thing, which was an absolute joy to listen to. These were the final lists:

1. She is funny.                                                         
2. She is reliable.                                                         
3. She helps me.                                                      
4. She plays with me.                                                
5. She makes me laugh.

1. He is funny.
2. He is playful.
3. He is nice.
4. He is huggable.
5. He is loveable.

HOLY smokes! Do you know, for the rest of the night everyone got along? The power of positive.

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