Friday, December 2, 2011

Euphoric Calm

Euphoric's one of the ways I can describe how I feel after a session with Michael Winer. I call him an energy healer, but he is soooooo much more than that. I am not sure there are words to appropriately describe what it is that he does. Except to say that after a healing session with Michael I always feel vindicated, enthusiastic, focused and at peace.

Some fog was cleared out of my system, my channels were aligned and the road in front of me...MY road was dusted off making it is easier to see which way to move....and HOLY SMOKES, watch out! I had such an amazing day! Giggles and knowledge and positive interactions. I changed ME.

Positive attracts positive, wisdom attracts wisdom, enthusiasm attracts enthusiasm. Becoming stronger within myself, becoming brings light into every interaction of my day.

So as I fell asleep last night and as I started my day today I did so with the anticipatory excitement of a kid in a candy shop with all of my Christmas money...I am PUMPED about my most certain future, and I OWN a sense of calm that is allowing me the STRENGTH of persistence.

I wish this on everyone. :)
