Turner designed a dream car for me...
"So mom, I want to design a high-tech mini van. This mini-van would have vending machines in the back of the seat, that you could use fake money with....no...that had fingerprint identification buttons and when you put your finger on the button, a list pops up that says all of the foods that you are allowed to have and when it delivers the food, $5 comes out too. But, you know how the seat belts tighten on you now? These seat belts would be big enough to go around the world, but this one has a brain in it so that it would know when an accident is about to happen and keep you safe. Then, it would have a seat that could fold down, and you could sleep while you were driving, and the car would know where to go. BUT it would be powered by the sun, and have a way of storing the energy so it would never have to stop. On the roof there would be solar panels that would make the car solar...."
"Sounds great, T!"
"My next idea? Gravity Optional Homes..."
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