The other night I actually had some kid-free time. Go figure. While I was waiting for my friend, my mind turned to...well...things I have learned as a mom.
1. I will never pee alone again. Be it animal, child or significant other, there will always be someone in the bathroom with me.
2. My daughter's clothes will always sparkle more than mine.
3. I will always have to justify "my" time. Or hide in the closet with the light off.
4. The first Monday after vacation will always be a day of celebration for me.
5. I will choose sleep over a night out. that is not true...I will choose a night out at a hotel...and sleep there.
6. I will hear myself say things that I never thought I would say. For example: "Just because there is cheese, and therefore dairy, pizza is not a healthy breakfast option."
7. I will no longer care if there is a stain on my clothes. In fact, if I make it to my destination with only one stain on my outfit, then I'm looking goooooood...if ya know what I mean.
8. I finally understand why my mom always agreed to sleep overs...that is, me sleeping over at my friend's house...'cause that meant she had a free night. Smart lady.
9. I will learn to play as a child. For example: Chasing my son around and around and around the house giggling and realizing that Nerf Wars are as fun as he said they would be.
10. I am thrilled to become a grandparent, spend time with my grandchildren
and marvel in the miracle of life. And if I don't like the person my
child married? Then I see it as my grandmum duty to send the grand kids home jacked on sugar and Redbull.
I love being a Mom.